A CHRISTMAS CAROL (1941) adapted by DW Jacobs from the concept by David Lee Cuthbert, directed by Kirsten Brandt

concept and production design by David Lee Cuthbert, music arrangements by Steve Gunderson; choreography by Jean Issacs; Mary Larson, costumes; Jeff Mockus sound design. Starring Greg Mullavey and Victor Morris.
photo credit: Ken Jacques
[The Rep] has scored again with this lively and ambitious new version ingeniously conceived, designed and lit by David Lee Cuthbert and directed by Kirsten Brandt…this “Carol” could become one of the best of the 14 productions the Rep has staged. -San Diego Union-Tribune
This year, it’s an all-American version, set in Chicago from the 1920s to 40s. And a beautiful sight it is to behold. With the wisdom of Christmas Present, the Rep brought in the ever-imaginative duo of director Kirsten Brandt and designer David Cuthbert, with Steve Gunderson contributing original music and arrangements. Scrooge and Marley’s is a speakeasy…this delightful version is a gorgeously realized portrait of early 20th century America….. If you haven’t been inspired by this timeless story of greed, transformationand redemption, this is the time and the Rep is the place –KPBS