An Iliad, by Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare, directed by Kirsten Brandt, Jewel Theatre

by Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare, directed by Kirsten Brandt, Jewel Theatre
featuring Patty Gallagher as The Poet, original music composed and performed by Jake Sorgen. Scenic and costume design by Pamela Rodríguez-Montero, lighting design by David Lee Cuthbert, props designed by Shaun Carroll, fight choreography by Noah Luce, Assistant directors Noah Luce and Iliana Karbowski, stage management by Emerson Sanderson, Photos: Steve DiBartolomeo, Kirsten Brandt
"The success of this bold theater piece depends entirely upon the central player, and in this case, Gallagher delivers a master class in full-body acting. She is not only vocally flawless but infinitely inventive in giving new voices to each character described. Shifting accents, changing walks, stances, pitch, volume. But more than that. Gallagher—in league with director Kirsten Brandt—unleashes an arsenal of gestural leitmotifs, much as Richard Wagner does for his mythic opera themes and characters. Death has its own choreography, as does the forging of armor and the hacking of limbs. So do Achilles, Hector, Hecuba, Priam, and on and on. The motifs help to keep each mythic character distinct to the audience." - Goodtimes