BREAKING THE CODE by Hugh Whitmore, directed by Kirsten Brandt, Jewel Theatre

Scenic design by Andrea Bechert, Costumes by B. Modern, Lighting and Media by David Lee Cuthbert, sound by Steve Gerlach. photos by Steve DiBartolomeo
Cast: David Arrow Emilie Talbot, Wallace Bruce, David Bryan, Geoff Fiorito, Rolf Saxon, Maryssa Wanlass, Matthew Kropschot.
The experience of the play captures the feeling of fragmented memories jetting back and forth through one’s consciousness . . .In telling his story, both acts of Jewel Theatre’s latest production open a window into one man’s brilliance—as well as the intensity and heartbreak that sometimes accompany it. - Good Times
Although the cast is uniformly top drawer, it’s David Arrow’s sweet, astoundingly detailed depiction of Turing that makes Jewel’s play zing. Arrow has a whole array of tics and gestures that make his Turing warmly human. His stutter sounds authentic, his gentleness, genuine, his nail-biting, gross, and his unique way of flitting around the set, quite captivating….This could well be a very static play both because of all the theoretical type of dialogue and because it’s quite wordy. But director Kirsten Brandt does well to keep her actors moving - Santa Cruz Sentinel