FURIOUS BLOOD by Kelly Stuart, directed by Kirsten Brandt; World Premiere, Sledgehammer Theatre

Scenic design by David F. Weiner, costume design by Mary Larson, lighting design by David Lee Cuthbert, sound design by Xavier LEonard.
Cast: Kate Reynolds, Edward Wylie, Walter Murray, Tim West, Tom Papitto, Melissa Tan, Jill Drexler, Jessa Watson, Melissa Supera, Allison Riley, Janet Hayatshahi, Elizabeth O’Hara Yager.
KPBS Patte Award “Outstanding Direction”
If you want to know what hip, young feminists are thinking and doing, jet over to Sledgehammer Theatre, to see Furious Blood, another provocative production… Brandt’s muscular direction is beautiful to behold… wickedly wild, screechy, preachy, humorous , in-your-face… –KPBS
And under the incisive direction of Kirsten Brandt, it makes for the most entertaining comedy of the year. – CRITIC’S PICK Backstage West
Kelly Stuart’s freewheeling adaptation, which sets the action in a weirdly contemporary time, is blisteringly funny at times, and Kirsten Brandt’s direction is intensely visceral. – OC Weekly