MACBETH by William Shakespeare, Directed by Kirsten Brandt, Sledgehammer Theatre

Scenic design by Nick Fouch, costume design by Mark Larson, ligthing design by David Lee Cuthbert, sound design my Jeff Mockus, stage management by Rosalee Barrientos. photos by Ken Jacques
Cast includes: David Tierney, Janet Hayatshahi, Ruff Yeager, Laura Lee Juliano, Donald McClure, Monique Gaffney, Lisel Gorell-Getz, Jeremiah Maestas, Brianne Kostielney
San Diego Playbill Award “Outstanding Direction”
The Sledgehammer staging… faces no such troubles keeping its balance. It’s a quirky but sure-footed interpretation of the bleak Shakespeare tragedy, one that preserves the play’s chilling impact while introducing just enough twists of its own. Sledgehammer’s take on the play… leaves the wickedness intact, but with a layer of intelligence that makes watching this play anything but toil and trouble. -CRITIC’S CHOICE, San Diego Union-Tribune
Directed by Kirsten Brandt… these are supercharged, energized performances… They evoke internalized trauma in dramatic, winded tantrums that seem to release their inner selves like projectiles to the audience… If my introduction to Shakespeare was this production of Macbeth I would be an immediate fan of the Bard –Gay and Lesbian Times