The Big Meal by Dan LeFranc, directed by Kirsten Brandt, San Jose Repertory Theatre

Creative Team: scenic design by Nina Ball, costume design by Shannon Sigman, lighting design by Kurt Landisman, sound design by Jeff Mockus.
Cast: Mark Anderson Phillips, Carrie Paff, Richard Farrell, Catherine MacNeal, Jessica Lynn Carroll, Aaron Wilton, Sophia Grace Cuthbert and Nicolas Garcia.
Vibrantly staged by Kirsten Brandt, San Jose Rep’s associate artistic director, the family dynamic proceeds at a dizzying pace. Brandt directs the action with clarity and relentless momentum… the characters emerge in distinct, dimensional performances. – San Jose Mercury News
Brandt and her cast bring out the best the script has to offer… – SF Gate
What director Kirsten Brandt nails is the pace of the show. In the 90-minute play, which has no intermission, there are so many various moments that need a different tone each time. Brandt moves the action along at a brisk pace, which pays off beautifully in these moments where the big meal takes place…With the warm and gentle humor that comes through the play, there is also a sadness that is steeped in reality. – Bay Area Plays