THIS by Melissa James Gibson, directed by Kirsten Brandt, North Coast Repertory Theatre

Scenic design by Marty Burnett, costumes by Alina Bokovikova, lighting design by  Matt Novotny, and sound design by Paul Peterson.  

Cast includes:  Andrew Ableson, Richard Baird, Courtney Corey, Judith Scott, and Matt Thompson


There is no denying that Ms. Brandt is a masterful director.  –

… director Kirsten Brandt… and her tuned-in cast achieve the feat of making Gibson’s quirky conversational flights seem (nearly) natural. – San Diego Union -Tribune

Director Kirsten Brandt brings things together with urgent pacing that slows when it should, and has coaxed an electric energy from the cast.  “This” knows its way around the angst of middle age, but also knows experience sometimes trumps all. – North County Times